
What You Need to Know About Plumbing Repair

St Pete Plumbing repair involves fixing issues with water pipes, drains, sewers, showers, sinks, toilets, and faucets. It can range from simple tasks like unclogging a toilet to more complex jobs like repairing or replacing a water heater. Pipe repairs are among the most common plumbing problems that plumbers deal with. Homeowners often use repair sleeves to fix leaky pipes temporarily, but these solutions don’t last long. They will require a plumber for permanent fixes.


Clogs are perhaps the most common plumbing problems homeowners encounter. It’s easy to spot one when water drains slowly or stops completely–but that doesn’t mean you can ignore the issue, because letting a clog linger just opens up the door for more serious damage to your pipes and fixtures. If you’ve tried plunging or chemical drain cleaner and the problem persists, call in a professional plumber right away.

Most clogs are caused by fat, oil and grease (FOG), which harden in your pipes when they cool down, trapping everything else that passes through them. But other things can also clog your pipes, including minerals from your water supply (which you can avoid with a whole-house water softener), paper products like toilet papers and “flushable” wipes, and even tree roots that invade your sewer line.

If your clog is near the surface, you can try using a hand-held drain auger or a wire coat hanger to dislodge it. But if the clog is deeper in your pipes, it’s time to bring out the big guns.

Start by pouring boiling water down the drain-but only if your pipes are made from metal and not plastic PVC, which can be damaged by hot water. You can also mix baking soda and vinegar and pour it down the drain to break up and dissolve the clog. If these methods fail, you can try a wet/dry vacuum with a hose attachment (but be careful not to over-fill the drain or you could risk damaging your pipe walls).

If all else fails, it’s time to call in a professional. A licensed plumber can use a sewer snake or another type of drain cleaning tool to cut through the clog and pull it out. The plumber can also inspect your pipes with a camera to see what’s causing the clog and recommend any necessary repairs.


Over time, your pipes can develop cracks and leaks, due to normal wear and tear or even from high water pressure over an extended period of time. When left unattended, these issues can result in water damage to your walls, flooring, and personal belongings.

Luckily, leaks are relatively easy to spot and repair in most cases, provided you act fast enough. The first step is to shut off your water valve if you can find it, and then to dry up any water that has accumulated on surfaces around the affected area. Next, you can use a powerful repair tool called plumber’s putty to patch up the leak. Before handling this material, it’s important to wear gloves and read the manufacturer’s instructions carefully.

Some of these repairs require professional attention, especially if you have a larger pipe leak or one that affects multiple areas of your home’s plumbing system. However, it’s also a good idea to keep some basic tools in your home that can help you deal with common household leaks and clogs on your own.

If you have a small leak or a pipe with a simple joint, you may be able to repair it yourself by removing the damaged section of pipe and sealing it with a slip coupling that fits the size of the remaining pipe. These are available at most hardware stores and should be rated for the type of pipe you have in your house.

Another cause of leaky pipes is corrosion, and this can be a more serious problem that requires professional attention. You can check for corrosion by using a kit that tests the metals in your pipes for corrosion. The results should indicate whether or not you have a problem that needs to be addressed by a professional.

Leaks and clogs are problems that can be solved with some DIY know-how, but more severe issues need to be handled by a professional plumber in order to prevent costly, extensive damages to your home. If you’re concerned about any leaks or clogs, call us today to have our experts assess your home plumbing.

Low water pressure

One of the most common causes of low water pressure is due to old or damaged plumbing pipes. Corrosion and rust can restrict the flow of water through pipes and lead to lower pressure. This problem is more likely to occur in older homes with galvanized steel water pipes, but can affect any home. In order to improve the water flow through a pipe, it may need to be replaced.

The first step in repairing low water pressure is to find out how widespread the issue is. You can do this by checking each fixture in your house to see if they are affected, or by checking the water pressure on the street outside of your home. Once you know how many fixtures are affected, it will help to determine the source of the problem.

If you find that only one fixture is affected, it’s possible that the problem is something simple and easy to fix. In this case, it’s best to call a plumber. However, if the low water pressure is affecting multiple areas of your home, then it’s more likely to be a bigger problem that needs professional repair.

Leaks in pipes are another common cause of low water pressure. Small leaks can cause water to exit into unintended areas before reaching other faucets in your home, leading to low water pressure. If you suspect this is the case, shut off all of your water supplies and check your water meter. If the reading has increased significantly in an hour, this could be a sign of a leak in your pipes.

Another option is to contact your city’s water department and report low water pressure. They will be able to tell you whether the problem is a municipal issue, such as a water main break or fire hydrant flushing, or if it’s a problem with your residential plumbing. If the problem is a result of your household plumbing, they can also advise you on how to proceed. In some cases, they may be able to assist you with fixing your low water pressure with a simple solution, such as adjusting the water pressure regulator in your home.


Dripping noises can be extremely annoying and they’re also a sign of a serious leak. It’s important to get the problem fixed as soon as possible to prevent structural damage and spikes in your water bill.

Fortunately, there are a few easy and inexpensive plumbing repair solutions that you can use to fix the problem yourself. These include pipe clamps, fiberglass tape, and epoxy putty. Before you begin, make sure that the area around the leak is dry and clean. You may also want to wear gloves to avoid chemical burns.

Start by turning off the water at the main shutoff valve. It’s typically located in your garage, basement, or crawl space. Once the water is turned off, find the individual shutoff valve for the leaking pipe and turn it clockwise. Then, flush all the toilets in your home and open up all the faucets to drain any remaining water or pressure from the pipes.

Next, you can purchase a pipe repair sleeve at most hardware stores. These sleeves are designed to fit over a damaged section of pipe and create a tight seal. To install the sleeve, simply line it up with the leak and tighten the bolts on the outside of the sleeve using a wrench. You can also cut out the damaged section of pipe with a utility knife and then slide on a slip coupling for a more permanent solution.

Another option is to use a self-fusing silicone tape. This tape is designed to stick to itself and can seal small leaks in metal or copper pipes. Before applying the tape, wipe away any excess moisture and let it sit for about 15 minutes before turning the water back on.

If the dripping is coming from a broken pipe or cracked fixture, you may need to call in a plumber for a more comprehensive repair. However, a plumber can also inspect the overall plumbing system and offer advice to help keep your pipes in good shape.